Why to opt Public Administration as an optional in UPSC Exam

The right optional is the one which helps you perform extra-ordinarily in  mains examination of UPSC, the one which fetches you maximum marks in a  manner that will count your merit, the one which supplements your scorecard  when you are not able to perform decently in GS papers, and finally the optional  which will carve out administrative capabilities in you.

The beauty of PUBLIC  ADMINISTRATION as an optional for UPSC Exam is that it satisfies all the  determining factors for becoming a GOOD ADMINISTRATOR, or specifically  a GOOD CIVIL SERVANT. The Civil Services Exam is all about recruiting  human resources for managing the administrative system of the world’s largest  democracy.

To understand the functioning of the government, political regime  of the country, a system of modern democracy and governance, the concept of  welfarism etc., public administration as a discipline will encompass all these  concepts.

UPSC recruits candidates for public administration, questions related  to this subject are most common and predictable and aspirants can always  expect to score more if Public Administration is chosen as an optional. It is  learnt that Public Administration is a secular subject and does not carry any  academic baggage. For the said reasons, many of students, who are from the  non-arts background like- engineers, doctors, chartered accountants and  management graduates, are able to understand the subject very well and have  scored very high marks in the mains examination.

Also, UPSC aspirants do not  require a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration to choose it as an Optional. The subject can be studied in an easy manner and could be mastered with expert guidance. Moreover, many of the topics of the UPSC syllabus overlap with  General Studies syllabus of the examination.  

Furthermore, the Public Administration subject syllabus is comparatively  concise when compared to other optional subjects such as- Literature, History,  Geography, Political Science, etc. and contains numbered core concepts to  comprehend. With this concise syllabus one can finish the syllabus on time and  leave ample room for revision and preparation of General Studies papers and  Essay writing.  

In case you choose any other optional subject, then also, you would have to read  a considerable amount of Public Administration related topics especially in  General Studies Paper II, III and IV. In case, you have limited time for  preparation, research shows that it is safer to opt for Public Administration as an  optional. 

Why Choose Public Administration as an Optional

Incentives for opting Public Administration as an optional:

  • The subject basically gives you a brief idea about government and  constitutional machinery of the world‟s greatest democracy, with a  comparative approach. As future administrators, you should have this  hand-on knowledge. 
  • The study of Public Administration is inter-linked with study of Science,  Political Science, Policy Making, Constitution, Law, Social Justice,  Indian Society, History, Finance and Economy, Ethics, Human Resource  Management and Contemporary Issues. 
  • The subject is generally regarded as conceptual, analytical, concise and  simple to understand. 
  • There is ample resource material for Public Administration.
  • The questions are generally straightforward. 
  • There is a lot of overlap with the general studies papers and essay writing  pattern. 
  • Inculcate an aptitude to comprehend the mind of the examiner, which aids  in cracking interview.
  • Last but not the least it is extensively taught at the LBSNAA Training for  Civil Servants.

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